Our voices of the
Every 65 seconds someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s.
Be a voice of the revolution by adding a tribute
— In Honor Of —
Judy Allwood
My grandmother, a fighter. 10 years into this disease and you get stronger every day. I love you so much - both the person you always were, and the person I have grown to love today.
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Liz Gindraux
Thank you for your strength, partnership and commitment to help End Alzheimer's. This is the BEST second act and I cannot imagine anyone I would rather be on this journey with - THANK YOU
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Oscar Pieper
An incredible man, generous, loving to his family and always with a smile. We miss him
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May Gindraux
In memory of my grandmother who was my first experience with Alzheimer. To this day, I still remember the pain I saw in my dad's eyes the first time his mom asked him who he was. Thank you Rivet Revolution for all that you do!
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Susan Evans
My partner, and friend. Thank you for helping me realize this dream of bringing hope, and beauty to the Alzheimer’s community.
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Oz Pieper
I have missed you for years. I love you. My heart breaks you have this dreadful disease. You would be so proud of Rivet Revolution.
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The Allott Girls
Thank you for radiating unconditional love, strength and hope through it all. I’m proud to join leaders like you on the road to end Alzheimer’s.
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Carole Randis
I still don’t know how to get through every day without you. I’m relieved that you’re no longer suffering, but I miss you so much. I do everything in your memory and will never stop fighting. I love you mama.
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Rosaline “Rosy”Mowdy
She was a wonderful mom and person. She is free now! Fly Mom fly.
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Gloria Lewis-Barnett
In memory of mother and friend. You fought the good fight. You kept the faith. Thinking how we lost you so soon, brings tears to my eyes. Chloe misses you. Everyone misses you. Keep watch over us.
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Mary Rhatigan (Grandma)
My memory of my grandmother was coming home after school and watching GH. I knew she would not remember tomorrow what she was watching today. There is an Alzheimer’s story on GH now that brings those memories back. Let’s end Alzheimer’s!!
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Peggy Byrne
I miss you, Mom. Everyday. You have always been an inspiration - how you faced down breast cancer, educated children, and how you lived life to its fullest with the love of your life, my Dad. I wear a bracelet every day to honor you!
— In Honor Of —
We love you and are here for you always. A,M and D
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Fred Shuford
I miss you every day Daddy, your Love was always present, & you always had a smile for us. Alzheimer's may have took your memories but it couldn't take what was in your Heart. See you on the other side. You live on in us all. THANKS.
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Lois Blech
In honor of my mother-in-law whose grace and acceptance knew no limits. Even during her times of forgetfulness and confusion, she loved unconditionally. I miss her every day.
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Catherine Allott
Not a day goes by that I do not think of you mom and all that you meant to me. I hope that you would be proud of the work that Susan and I are doing with Rivet Revolution in your memory.
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Clara Routhier
My mom, wise, patient, loving. I love you and miss you everyday.
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George Purcell
Dad, I'm so thankful for our many years together and the beautiful messages you send me when I need them most. You are in all of our hearts always. xoxo
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MOM (Grandma Patti)
You could not ask for a better Mom! You embodied all that is good and showed us what truly mattered - you taught us LOVE! We miss you dearly and fight in your honor for an End to Alz
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Raymond J Belliveau
The most wonderful of memories I have carried over the past couple of years, I carried for us both. I will hold all that I can and continue to gather more memories from those whose live you touched that cross my path. Thank you for being my Dad.
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Sam and Mary Strazza
Mommy and Daddy, I miss you so much. I wish Alzheimer’s hadn’t taken you both. We must find a cure. You were the best. My soft place to land. Thank you for being the best parents ever. Love, Lisa
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Cammie Borchers
A "light" taken from us too soon. She brought sunshine into every room she entered and her smile was like a warm hug. She will always be in our hearts.
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Patricia Nancy Hughes
Mom, although you were taken entirely too early and suffered tremendously, I happy to take the time I got with the amazing-ness that you were than a lifetime with someone not as magical as you.
— In Honor Of —
Liz Gindraux
In honor of my mamacita, thank you for showing me what it means to be a strong leader, a builder of communities, and shaper of change. I love you!
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My Mom
Thank you for teaching me how to love & be loving. For teaching me to be kind to everyone. For my faith which has guided me during my journey of Younger Onset Alzheimer's. Thank you Rivet Revolution for raising awareness to help us find a cure!!!
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Tom Netherton
My Dad was cherished by all and will be forever the best of men. We miss and love you.
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Iris Smith & Patricia Faude
The past decade has been difficult without both of you, grandmother and mother. So many great milestones that I have missed sharing with both of you! Thank you for your love and belief in me. I wear two bracelets to honor both of you!
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Karen Clay
My mom was an amazing woman, strong and caring.
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Eleanor Irene Zamarchi Landau
Your life taught me so much. Your journey to death taught me more You are with me always and I hold you in my heart until we meet again.
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Ann O’Connor
Mom , You raised 9 children and were always there for us anytime we needed you. It’s heartbreaking that you are no longer with us on earth but I feel your presence all around. We will carry on your legacy. We miss you everyday, we love you for ever
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William Brabon
A man of quiet strength and integrity. I miss you so much Dad.....especially during the college football season! GO BLUE!
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Jan Pieper
Our mother who has demonstrated such remarkable devotion to her husband through these difficult years. You have been an incredible inspiration to your children and your grandchildren. We all love you very much!
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Margaret Mary Badway (Nurse Peggy)
Grandma, I started a Subscription Box Business in honor of You! It is called Style Me Nurse Peggy. I miss you dearly every day. I remember you always as, "MY ROCKIN' ROLL GRANDMA!" I hope Heaven is treating u well. Until we meet again, watch over me.
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Lou Langston
Alzheimer's took my mom too soon. She was the best. I miss her tremendously. It warms my heart to see so many join the fight to end Alz. #keepyourmemories #livingforlou
— In Memory Of —
Karen W Clay
To the love of my life for 60 plus years, with such a loving, caring, giving and generous woman. I miss you everyday.
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Susan Evans
To my Mama- You show me strength, love and compassion. I am so proud of you. I love you and I am here for you. Love, Kam
— In Memory Of —
Arlene Lacher
I am so thankful for the 49 years I had with my mom! I love you mom and still cannot believe the journey you conquered. You are amazing and I am so happy you are in your new home in heaven.
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Mary Blackmon
Grandmother you are my hero, my everything and I will fight this disease with you and for you. You will never be forgotten
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Carol Elaine Mini
Missing my best friend and my mother who succumbed to this disease almost 5 years ago. Dreaming of the day when we meet again and for the time when we have the first survivor of Alzheimer's disease.
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Mark Dupree
Daddy.. I love you & miss u....
— In Memory Of —
William Cozetti
Dad... you were the kindest and most caring man I have ever known! I miss and love you every day! All of the wonderful memories we shared through the years will be passed on to my children! You will live on in all of us forever! I miss you more and!
— In Memory Of —
Geraldine Parker Brown
You are always in my heart, and never far from my mind. Miss you everyday momma. ? #endalz
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Your were a great example of a strong, independent women that I and now my daughter can model. You will always be with us.
— In Memory Of —
A long goodbye indeed...17 years from diagnosis to end of life. The hardest day was the first time she didn't recognize me. I support the fight against this disease so other daughters and sons don't have that experience. XOXO #endALZ
— In Memory Of —
Judith Hellman
To my beautiful mom. You were taken way too soon but I am sO thankful that I got to be there, for you, as you always were for me. I celebrate you and all that you were instilled in me. From my first breath, to your last.?